What are the best Ways to Keep your grow space cool.

It’s the time served question, How do you keep your growing environment cool in the Hottest of British weathers?

There are a number of heat reduction technics and methods and these we have shared with you below.

1. Use a Portable Air Conditioner: Install a portable air conditioner unit in the grow tent to regulate temperature.

2. Use Fans: Place fans at strategic points to keep air moving inside the tent. This will help to prevent hot spots from developing, we have a number of fans to suit all  sized enviromnets,

BOX FAN – A Sleek boxed fan that oscillates on the spot, prevents plants getting mulched.
INLET FAN  – Ever think why has your grow tent got more inlets than outlets, its to get rid of hot pockets within the environment, Our inlet fans start from 4inch

3. Use Reflective Material: Line the inside of the tent with reflective material to reflect heat away from the plants, we sell a number of reflective foils to help keep heat out and the cool in.

4. Use a Dehumidifier: Install a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air. High humidity levels can cause the tent to feel hotter.

5. Use Temperature Control Devices: Install a temperature control device to turn the equipment on and off as needed. This will help to regulate temperature and reduce energy usage.

6. Keep Lights Off During the Day: Turn off any lighting equipment during the day to reduce heat buildup in the tent. Only use lights at night, our 24hr heavy duty timers will help with that.

7. Switch from HPS to LED lighting, the heat signature given off led lighting is close to 90% reduction.

8. Use an Environmental control device, Paying a touch more for a near automated control will be one of the best decisions made, You can program the environments ideals in temperature, light output, inlets, fan speed etc. Great for holiday cover. Wiring and equipment required for full control capability.