Indoor Growing
Infrared Heating Panels

It’s time to try Infrared Heating Panels to heat your tents, using less power with less wasted heat they massively outperform oil filled radiators or halogen heaters. The heat is directed only in the direction you want it, so there is no waste like with a convection heater.


Take a look at our fantastic Stealth Heater, which utilizes the latest infrared heating technology, consuming only 360 WATTS per 60 x 60 cm Stealth Panel Heater!


They are easy to install in the roof space of your tent or grow room pointing down, to simulate natural warming from the atmosphere during day and night periods.

There is no visible light to the human eye and the addition of infrared heat has proven growth benefits with these panels outputting the same infrared spectrum given off by the sun, only without the visible light.


Infrared Heating Panels heat the plants to your desired temperature in the hours of darkness, the simple and effective solution to retain heat in passive air and negative air environments saving you time, money and energy.

Indoor Growing Outdoor Growing
The 7 Ps
The.Hydro.Shop has sprouted, the Hydro-Shop is the newest Hydroponic and Horticultural specialist center for Bassetlaw and its surrounding areas.


Why does Bassetlaw require a Hydroponic shop? I think there’s been a huge stigma around Hydroponic shops, which is a true shame, I created The-Hydro.Shop to try eradicate the prejudice the hydroponics industry has had cast over it. Retford itself is a green fingered community with many locals winning prizes for award winning tomatoes, peppers and more. I know using Jiffy Plugs, Clone Ex and our state-of-the-art Propagation units Retford will be a greener place.


How can you compete in todays market? The-Hydro.Shop has a loyal customer base who understand the value of good business, many of whom are on our community chat and get amazing deals that are in most instances unrivalled even by the likes of Amazon. Eat that Jeff Bezos.


Not only that, we have smaller than usual running costs, through investment, infrastructure and strategic planning we are truly able to bring our customers the best, if not as close to the best, price in the industry. Have I said Join the Community channel?
We have some seasoned veterans in our community and always have handy advice to offer, the old saying knowledge is power, in this industry that couldn’t be much more from the truth.


So, what are the 7 Ps?


The 7 Ps are a saying I live by and I’m happy to share the 7 Ps with you lucky readers, It’s what we founded The-Hydro.Shop on.


Planning and
Prevents a


And you can use this in everyday life, for instance…


If you’re planning to take cuttings, you would prepare the mother plant and the equipment you would need, and get everything cleaned down etc.But then you realise you’re short of some Clone Ex!!! Oh Dear, if you Properly Planned ahead you could have ordered the bits required, Prepare the mother plant knowing goods are on their way. Disaster Prevented, a Piss Poor Performance doesn’t exist!


I apply this method to all my plants, business, family and friends.